Friday, July 29, 2011

Some days are just like that....

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. -- Franklin D Roosevelt 

Yesterday was one of those days where nothing was easy. Everything took a little longer than necessary, fought me harder than it really needed to and time just slipped away twice as fast as it should have. My To Do List for today includes half of yesterday's list left-overs. 

It's funny how some days, even weeks, seem to go swimmingly and all in life is good and the river flows in the same direction but then you get to a point where everything and everyone seems to be working against you and life all goes into a rushing swirling eddy.

I've heard of the Biorhythm Cycle idea but never really believed it or even looked into it very deeply but sometimes I wonder....

According to believers in biorhythms, a person's life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles which affect one's ability in various domains, such as mental, physical, and emotional activity. These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady sine wave fashion throughout life; thus, by modeling them mathematically, a person's level of ability in each of these domains can be predicted from day to day.

Most biorhythm models use three cycles: a 23-day "physical" cycle, a 28-day "emotional" cycle, and a 33-day "intellectual" cycle.


I might have to start logging these "difficult days" I'll call them, to see if there is some cyclical pattern to mine. Any one else curious wanna join in my experiment?

Here's hoping I'm on the swing back upwards and not still heading on a downward wave....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Should we, in the business world, just smile and take it? Is the customer always right??

We recently had a situation at my office where two customers, who had obviously been having a bad day, chose to take their frustration out on our front desk employee. Arms flailing, curses flying frustration right in the face of our employee. True professionalism prevented our employee from letting loose back at them but what do we do now. These are repeat customers in our chiropractic office. All we were doing was asking these customers to pay their bills.

There are several issues involved in this situation....

Regarding behavior...Do we demand apology? What good does an apology do anyway? It's just words. Their actions spoke WAY LOUDER than any apology could. Do you refuse to treat them? Do you chalk it up to just a bad day and "they didn't mean it"? Shouldn't adults act like adults? When did it become acceptable to curse at your doctor's office staff anyway?

Regarding not paying their seems that society has adopted a sense of entitlement. People seem to feel that they are OWED goods and services. Why is our office any different than any other medical facility? You have to pay your co-pay or co-insurance. It's not free! When you go through the drive-thru at McDonald's you stop at the PAY window first and then you GET your food from the next window. There's a reason for that system!

Some days it's really hard to adhere to the "Grin and Bear It" philosophy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Welcome to my Blog....I look forward to a long, happy relationship!

I am starting this blog as a way to share what I like, learn what you like (and dislike) and to create an outlet for random thoughts. Feel free to share what you find interesting about life, love and family. Those are my three favorite things...are they your favorites too?

About me: I am a wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend, Girl Scout leader, scrapbooker, office manager, shoulder to cry on, ear to bend...I'm sure there is more.

I was going to put "house keeper" but I truly feel that I must have been royalty in a past life because I really hate domestic chores. I mean, I will do them but I really don't like them - any of them. I guess it's because they are never "done". Dishes always reappear. Laundry, oh please! Dust never goes away, ever!

Come on girls, let me hear ya say it!!